I have a problem. I haven't done any Writing since July (witness the blog). I haven't done much art, either.
Admittedly, I'm busy. We homeschool. Our kids are older and we have more to juggle. Colleges have definite requirements. My kids still want enjoyable classes. My job is to plan, teach, record, and hunt down curriculums which fit our needs and wants. Of course, with all the options available nowadays, finding materials should be a snap.
So what's the root of my problem? I've developed a bad habit. I constantly re-evaluate my curriculum. There are so many materials out there, how do I know I've found the best one, unless I understand all the choices? It's gotten out of hand.
Now I'm a smart girl. There is no perfect curriculum. There is no publisher, 'method', or 'school of thought' which does not have it's detractors. No holy grail. If I were still working for the school district, I'd give up on perfection. There's just not enough time in the day.
So why the perfection? It began slowly. When the girls were young, we sampled from a smorgasboard of subjects and experiences. We could change direction mid-course, to follow our curiosity. Now, however, we have more structure, brought on by a need to track credits. There's less wiggle room; less time before they graduate. We're on a schedule. Being limited to six 'in-depth' classes (again, only so much time in a day), I wanted to give them the best. I became choosey about quality. Oops, make that picky.
Perhaps I can let go, now that I've put words to what I've been doing. My husband said something a few weeks ago, "Fun Mommy needs to come back."
Balance is good.
I can relate. Each time I attempt homeschooling I obsess over curriculum. There is just way too much great stuff to choose from. I feel like I'm drowning in choices!